Master of Science in Business Analytics

在数据驱动的经济中, 利用商业分析的力量可以帮助您创建有意义的见解并制定战略, ethical decisions that will enhance your organization and your career.







12 - 24个月


空间商业计划 in partnership with Esri


职业生涯 & 专业发展


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各种规模的企业和机构都在利用数据分析的力量进行创新,并做出更有效的决策. 了解如何分析数据并将其应用于您的行业可以帮助您在数据驱动的组织中脱颖而出. A Master of Science in Business Analytics from the Redlands 商学院 & Society通过培养你的商业头脑和分析性决策,为你提供了独特的优势.

The Master of Science in Business Analytics:

  • Focuses on specialized areas of business 分析, 强调信息, 统计数据, 大数据, predictive and prescriptive analysis, 新兴技术
  • 提供独特的商业课程和地理信息系统(GIS)培训。, management information systems (MIS), 资讯科技(IT), and 分析 so you benefit from a holistic approach to this business discipline
  • Connects you with the 好处 of our 空间商业计划, a partnership with GIS and global mapping industry leader Esri, 这为您提供了宝贵的位置分析专业知识和行业联系
  • 让您获得商业智能和大数据分析的重要技术技能,以及商业沟通等互补技能, 领导, 和道德

为期18个月的 stem指定的MSBA项目 是否为广泛的学生背景和经验量身定制,以获得在这个快速发展的领域中高度重视的必要商业和技术技能. 一个定量学士学位或定量课程不是申请的先决条件. 然而, 为了成功,强烈建议你学习或理解统计学的基础知识.

作为雷德兰兹商学院 & Society student, you are welcomed by a 3万+校友网络 并被邀请和鼓励参加一系列关于当代商业主题的演讲系列活动和活动, 包括 有目的和道德的领导.


Upon successful completion of the program, graduates will be able to:

  • Understand the technological tools used to collect, manage, and analyze data
  • 运用商业原则制定和解决组织问题, 分析, 信息系统
  • 使用适当的数据和分析方法来改善整个组织价值链的决策
  • 有效地沟通和阐明商业分析的价值和结果,以不同的受众使用易于理解的书面形式, 口服, 解析表达式
  • Appraise analytical maturity of an organization in terms of its focus, 文化, 人, 和技术
  • 评估伦理, 法律, and locational implications of data and decisions for stakeholders, internal and external to the organization
  • 有效地管理和领导团队参与组织内的分析项目





BUAN 600: MSBA Program Orientation (0)

A prerequisite for all other MSBA courses, 本课程向学生介绍工商管理硕士课程,以及威尼斯人平台商学院及其独特的学习社区提供的研究生学术参与方法.


BUAN 610: Data Ethics for Business (4)

本课程评估道德, Society, 以及我们在数据分析和信息隐私的不同阶段所做选择的法律后果, and the impact of those choices on managerial 决策.


BUAN 615: Competing with Analytics (4)

This course examines organizational contexts for business 分析. 重点是创建跨业务功能(如营销)的竞争优势, 操作, 金融, 人力资源, R&D, and supply chain through strategic use of 分析.


BUAN 620: Data Science Foundations (4)

This course provides an in-depth understanding of data, 数据技术, and techniques essential to effective 分析. The course also includes fundamental concepts and skills to effectively manage, 清洁, 集成, 预处理, 并使用Python或R等行业标准工具转换数据进行分析.


buan630:数据可视化 & 讲故事(4)

This course evaluates the role of descriptive 分析, both statistical measures and visualization, in delivering organizational value to 决策 contexts. 课程作业包括使用时空数据来“讲故事”,并将结果有效地传达给组织决策者.


BUAN 631: Data-Driven Decision-Making (4)

本课程侧重于从各种商业学科角度对决策进行描述性和预测性分析. 重要的元素包括识别业务中数据驱动的决策环境, 确定数据需求, 分析数据, interpreting and communicating results, and ultimately the value proposition of 分析.


BUAN 640: Data Mining for Predictive Analytics (4)

This course provides an overview of data mining concepts, 过程, and popular methods in the context of business. Supervised and unsupervised methods are covered using large, 现实生活中的商业数据集, with statistical modeling and machine learning support provided by programming. Spatial data mining, privacy issues, and pitfalls of data mining are discussed.


BUAN 651: Prescriptive Analytics for Managerial Decision-Making (4)

本课程让学生了解规范性分析在组织决策中所扮演的角色. Topics include quantitative methods such as optimization, 模拟, 预测, 供应链管理, and project management for value creation in business functions.




BUAD 658: Accounting and Finance for Managers (4)

本课程的重点是会计和财务在管理决策中的作用, 包括 how managers access capital, 投资资源, 预算操作, 报道经济事件.


BUAN 691: Introduction to Location Analytics and Marketing (4)

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of location 分析, 包括位置价值和空间成熟度以及跨业务功能的增长. 从基本面出发, 本课程侧重于市场营销领域,重点是地理信息系统和位置分析的市场应用,通过理解来提高客户价值, 检查, and predicting the needs and preferences of the modern customer. Topics include environmental scanning, 市场细分, 目标营销和促销, and development of an 集成d marketing plan using GIS as an analytic tool. 本课程可以用GISB 691:定位分析与市场营销导论代替.


BUAN 694: Location Analytics and Decision-Making (4)

本课程侧重于利用地理信息系统和位置分析在企业中跨越位置价值链各个阶段的决策. 重点是对GIS和位置分析项目和业务应用程序规划过程的说明, 发达, 和实施. Topics include location 分析 and spatial enablement in the enterprise, 空间决策支持, location 分析 to examine 大数据, 社交媒体, 物联网, mobile technologies and their spatial components, 和成本, 好处, 风险, and ethical implications of spatial projects and applications. 本课程可以用GISB 694:位置分析和决策代替.


BUAN 660:管理金融(4)

本课程概述了用于分析和制定商业决策策略的财务管理工具. Topics include time value of money, 债券及股票估值, 风险与回报, 资本预算, capital structure and dividend policy, 营运资金管理, 选项, and their applications in corporate 金融.


BUAN 683:市场分析

Examination of the strategic planning 过程, with emphasis on 资源分配决策 driven by marketing 分析. 专注于使用定量和数据分析工具来定义最佳营销组合, perform effective analysis of customers and digital marketing campaigns, as well as 集成 spatial thinking in 决策. This course may be substituted with MGMT 683: Marketing Analytics.


INTB 655: Global Environment for Business (4)

本课程探讨了地缘政治和经济关系的理论和实践概念,以评估全球化对商业的影响. Focus is on evaluating and formulating strategic responses to diverse political, 经济, 以及Society因素对国际贸易和投资带来的风险, 资源分配决策, 组织结构. This course may be substituted with INTB 670: International Area Studies.


MGMT 631: Management and Organizational Behavior (4)

This course focuses on key business areas such as managing individual performance, 团队和团队间的动态, 领导, 人力资源管理, 组织设计, 决策, 以及变化的管理.


MGMT 680: Marketing Management (4)

本课程探讨市场营销的关键方面,重点是客户和营销组合,并通过案例研究包括分析和批判性思维技能的发展, and the design and assessment of a basic marketing plan.


Students must also complete a Capstone Program.

BUAN 695:分析的顶点(4)

本课程是MSBA项目的高潮,包括一个应用分析项目. Using knowledge gained throughout the program, 学生们在一个需要战略性部署分析的现实世界项目中工作. 重点在于改进决策和传达分析产生的价值.