Current Students

Curious on how to pay your bill? Looking for forms? Applying for aid? Graduating or withdrawing from the University?

This page has information on all of this and more. Don't see what you are looking for? Contact SFS for assistance.

2024年秋季的账单将在7月1日那一周发给学生. Please check your email to review your statements and pay your balance. FAQs about billing statements can be found here.

Bills are due by Wednesday, August 14 at 11:59 p.m. (PST)

Student Finance

我们很高兴地宣布,您现在可以通过自助服务门户访问学生财务信息. Student Finance has replaced RedlandsPay. The portal can be access accessed here or through MyRedlands. 威尼斯人平台使用学生财务作为在威尼斯人平台支付和接收报表的官方方法. 

这项服务是查看学生帐户信息和进行在线支付的安全方法.  学生将收到电子邮件通知,一份新的对账单已经上传到他们的学生财务账户.  Students can access the Student Finance site through this link or by visiting their myRedlands account.

学生帐户信息和学生财务信息将发送到学生的雷德兰兹电子邮件地址,因此定期检查雷德兰兹电子邮件非常重要. 学生有责任被告知所有付款到期日期,并在到期时履行所有财务义务.

如果你不是学生,但想要访问学生的帐户, please have your student set you up as a proxy user on their Self-Service Portal.  代理用户将发送电子邮件通知,当新的报表上传和付款到期.

Student Finance Allows Students To:
  • View current balances and statements online

  • Make online payments with an electronic check (ACH)

  • Establish proxy users and grant them selected access to Student Account information. (学生负责设置每个代理用户的访问级别)

  • New! International Students can make online payments. Click here to learn more.
Student Finance Allows Proxy Users To:
  • View current balances and statements online

  • Make online payments with an electronic check (ACH)


Instructions to Set Up a Proxy User:
  1. Students login to their Self-Service Portal.
  2. 单击顶部栏中的学生名称,然后单击查看/添加人员代理.
  3. Select on of the individuals associated with your record.
  4. Choose what information your proxy can access.
  5. 阅读披露协议,点击授权框,然后点击提交按钮.
  6. The proxy will get an email with login information. The student will receive a copy as well. The username and password will be sent in two separate emails. 

Payment Options

威尼斯人平台为学生和家庭提供了几种选择来支付任何余额. 许多家庭选择提供的选项组合来支付奖学金的费用, grants and student loans do not cover. 您可以通过单击下面的相应链接来查看这些选项.

Undergraduate payment options
Graduate and Professional Education payment options

Reapplying for Financial Aid


学生有责任每年按时重新申请, listing the University of Redlands school code (001322). 经济援助资格每年都会根据家庭当前的经济状况进行重新评估. If financial circumstances remain the same, 学生可以期望从大学获得类似水平的助学金援助. The following factors, however, can lead to a change in eligibility and, subsequently, a change to the financial aid award package:

  • 如果你在公布的截止日期之后提交申请或要求的文件, 可能没有足够的资金来考虑你获得大学的经济援助.
  • If there is a change in your family’s financial circumstances, 包括在大学里依赖兄弟姐妹数量的变化.
  • 如果我们发现关于你的情况的信息,而这些信息在前几年没有被考虑到.
  • 如果联邦或州法律或大学政策发生变化.
  • 如果你不能继续满足所有的一般资格要求.

*澳门威尼斯人官方网的本科生必须在4月2日之前提交2024-25年度的FAFSA. Late FAFSA filing can result in a reduced financial aid offer. Applications are available online after October 1 each year.

Proxy Users

学生是否希望允许别人访问他们的学生账户信息和/或进行在线支付, they can create a proxy user. To learn how to set up a proxy user, click here to learn more.

Financial Aid Policies


Enrollment Policy
eSignature Policy
Refund Policy
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Withdraw Policy

Please click here to review each policy in detail.

Exit Interviews and Repayment of Loans

请点击下面的适当链接,了解更多关于离职面谈和偿还贷款的过程,你可能已经采取了在雷德兰兹期间. 要求各不相同,所以审查所有贷款的所有信息是很重要的.

Federal Direct Loans
Perkins Loans
Redlands Loans

Student Debt Relief Program

2022年8月24日,拜登总统宣布了一项由三部分组成的学生债务减免计划. Many borrowers of federal student loans, can see a range of loan forgiveness between $10,000 and $20,000.

The application is now live. Access it here



  1. 作为借款人,当信息可用时,在
  2. 知道谁是你的贷款服务商对你来说是非常重要的, and that they have the most up to date contact information. If you are unsure who your loan servicer is, please visit
  3. The forgiveness process will be managed by each loan servicer. 重要的是要通读服务机构提供的所有通信,以了解借款人需要哪些步骤才能获得资格. 威尼斯人平台(以及所有大学和学院)不属于贷款减免计划的一部分.
  4. 教育部在他们的网站上发布了关于学生债务减免计划的更多信息. Click here to read more.



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